mardi 20 juillet 2010

Panzer work in progress!!

My panzer in rebuilt version!! new paint and new parts, now in progress....
End of july, first run...I suppose...
It's a very important moment for me, I don't run on motorcycle since 7 years
, after my very best friend Christophe, dead on motorcycle, killed by an old man sleeping in is car when he drive...
Christophe was a daddy from 3 months...My best friend...I can have any friend after this moment...
Well, after this "baddly" explication, you can understand what's this moment for me...

A great black puzzle!!
Furtif panzer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Super la nouvelle photo de titre !!!

Je te souhaite bonne route avec la mèmère !!!


Anonyme a dit…

Je suis pas là le 31/07 et le 1/08. Mais c'est clair qu'une attaque de la Blitzkrieg suivi d'un petit péquet c'est une excellent idée. hi hi hi